Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What Can't Be Erased: 2009.02.24

Erin Finley is a CRAZY-talented artist that graduated in the same in the same program as I did... then went on to get her teaching certification, her Masters, and now shows these AMAZING paintings all over the world. Sorta puts life in perspective sometimes. Her shows are ALWAYS well worth seeing, by the way, with another looming in March (watch her site).

Apologies, Erin, for bastardizing your images into the backgrounds of my panels... just looked better than my cheap knock offs...

This also marks the first time I've tried something really current and the first time I've used Sarah in one of these... so it's a lot of firsts. Hope it works?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Lil' Depressed Boy

S. Steven Struble is a writer, colourist, all-round creative cat... Lil' Depressed Boy is his kick-ass comic. This is my rendition (for what it's worth)... coloured in his palette - but with none of his panache...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm feeling a little beside myself...

With my slow experiments in style change, and the simplification of how (I think) I'm going to move forward with my auto-bio work... I needed to be sure I could make myself look LIKE myself... throughout all my eras... some more tragic looking than others, obviously.

So - me... through the ages.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

What Can't Be Erased: 2009.02.07

Just a little something about the band behind the song whose title inspired my auto-bio work's name... the band has broken up, but the lead singer (who recorded most of the music himself anyways) is still running strong here...

One of the greatest happy/sad songs ever recorded (playing in that comic).

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Kimera... a David Okum joint?

Had another of those "killing time, sketching someone else's character" moments... and popped out this quick sketch of David Okum's Kimera. I like drawing characters with costume/body elements I'd never create myself (the spikes, the cowl) - it forces me outside my comfort zone, something I like to do once in a while...

David's an artist I met a couple years back at 24 Hour Comic Day and have been following his sketch blog with great interest this year... he's holding to a Sketch A Day pretty well. Gotta say, I'm impressed!