Sunday, January 31, 2010

Maybe next year, Li'l LDB...

I was pleasantly surprised, and a little panicked, when I was asked to join the fun a second time during the Li'l Depressed Boy Guest Fortnight... bookending the 6 strips with two Li'l LDB strips showing the early heartbreaks, and resiliant nature, of our young hero.

Love it. Love the strip. Hope I get to do more in the future. Extra thanks again to my writer... whoever he might be.

Check it out here Li'l LDB


nico said...

Love the new image of LLDB.
I know for a fact that the writer really dug working with you from a very reliable source... you know, cuz it's me.


sjanewolf said...

I didn't know that something could be so cute and tragic at the same time. Love it!