So, I've done a few test sketches of myself as I re-kickstart my auto-bio project - slowly breathing life back into it's heaving corpse. One of the things I'd started, but not finished (until now) is today's D.E.A.D. - ME! I know this all seems a little egomaniacal at times - but there's method to it all - I *WILL* have something to show for all of this... I hope.
Regardless - I present: Me. In high school. This is how I met my wife. Looking like this. Seriously. And it lasted.
The 90s were weird.
Remember when I told you I would break up with you if you cut your hair? Or let it go back to it's natural colour?
Yeah, that was awesome.
My 90's look was blonde hair down to my shoulders and parted in the middle, huge glasses and a plaid jacket with a Jim Morrison patch on the arm.
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