Wednesday, March 25, 2009

D.E.A.D : What I do while sitting in meetings...

So, when I sit in long meetings - I find it helps me pay attention if I keep my hands busy. Almost like I stay focused when I have more than one thing to focus ON... that being said, I had a big meeting yesterday. These were the result. Above is the main character of my FIRST published multi-page comic (ie: post comic strip). I want to do a "modern" take... this was the rough conceptualizing.

Kickin' it old school... In the Bronx, 70's style.

And... this.

I can't believe I've never drawn a zombie before. I'm so behind the times...

1 comment:

Peter La said...

Your meeting couldn't have been that long... like it not possibly 8+ hours or anything like that. ;)

Nice sketches. And yeah, YOU not having drawn a zombie before is just weird.