What is D.E.A.D. exactly? "Drawing Every Alternate Day."
I'm trying to keep my output up - even just ensuring I scan some of my sketches and post them here - so for March I'm going to try to get a sketch, a doodle, a strip or SOMETHING up here every second day...

First up is a Blast From The Past... this is something I did a year or so ago - I tried re-drawing one of the characters I created when I was 9. He may or may not bear any resemblance to a character from a major publisher... but his hands shoot off (connected to cables)... yeah. I was 9. Let's make sure that's clear. So, here he is - in his "new" armour (on the left in the old-skool page)... make of it what you will.
Sweet! This is gonna be so much fun to follow. I love the colour sketch from when you were 9. Hehe.
Amazing. I did this exercise when I drew my first Superhero book. I may need to do this again. Way to go. I really like your take on supers.
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